Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Curried White Bean and Pasta Salad

Curried White Bean and Pasta Salad

Jalapeño peppers spice up this meatless side (or main)

So this year the we learned what a “heat dome” is (a high-pressure system that traps hot air underneath it, raising already hot summer temperatures well above average).

To cool down, we’ve been eating plenty of chilled salads for dinner. We love cold pasta salads in the summer, and adding white beans pumps up both flavor and nutrition. Perfect for Meatless Monday. Or any other day, for that matter.

Curry powder and jalapeño add even more zip to this dish. So it’s just the thing to take your mind off the heat.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pusser's Painkiller Cocktail

Pusser's Painkiller Cocktail

AKA the Painkiller, this Tiki drink will soothe your soul

So it’s July, and both major US political parties are staging their presidential nominating conventions. It’s been a bizarre political season. Plus, the weather is miserably hot throughout much of the country. We need a drink.

Enter Pusser’s Painkiller. This refreshing, rum-based slow-sipper is a perfect summer cocktail.

So mix yourself one. Or two – you shouldn’t suffer through this alone.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Beet and Goat Cheese Salad with Mint

Beet and Goat Cheese Salad with Mint

Raspberry vinaigrette brightens this scrumptious starter

Beets have a thing for goat cheese. So let’s throw them together, we say.

Add some mint, drizzle on raspberry vinaigrette – and you’ve got a dish that sings with savor and flavor. One that’s easy to make, too. Great for stressless entertaining.

Which is perfect this time of year. Because on a hot summer evening, you don’t want dinner to turn into a goat rodeo.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Martinez Cocktail

The Martinez Cocktail

The Mother of all Martinis?

The Martini is the most iconic of cocktails. But it hasn’t always been the crisp, almost austere drink we know today.

Back in the 19th century, when the drink was growing up, it was much sweeter. And it probably was made with sweet vermouth (the red stuff). Which just happens to be a key component of the Martinez Cocktail – from which the Martini may have developed.

The Martinez has an old-fashioned vermouth-forward flavor that fits well with today’s craft cocktail scene. Although definitely sweeter than a Martini, it’s not cloying, so it works as a pre-dinner drink.

So mix up a true ancestral tipple. And tell your dinner party guests that you’re researching cocktail genealogy.